Lyn came out as usual for the weekend all geared up for the vege - garden to be built. Lyn works in Cunnamulla during the week on a casual basis doing the books for two businesses in town - she enjoys this immensely and the extra income doesn't hurt either. After a run down to the property owners cattle yards for some manure, the vege and herb garden came to fruition in an old bath tub and old copper. It was then up to me to put the fence around to stop the goats and kangaroos from cleaning it all up first night. It all came out well and the boss was happy.
Has been a week away from mining this last week. I broke a filling off and was lucky enough to get into our dentist on reasonably short notice so it was off to Toowoomba 7 hours drive away. Our kids both live in Toowoomba so it was great to catch up with them. We stay with Tammy, our daughter, husband Trent and grandson Bailey. Our son , Mitchell and partner Krizara live around the corner so it is family time when we are there. Lyn had a couple of old fillings to have repaired as well so $1100.00 later we were both fixed up and ready to do some shopping which always happens when you get to the " big smoke". Saturday saw me off to watch Bailey play soccer while Lyn did the usual trip to the hairdresser, then we all went to lunch with Lyn's sister Kay and husband Greg coming up from Ipswich. Sunday was a cold windy day but we all went off to the markets after I made contact with a couple of opal buyers who live in Toowoomba. I didn't sell a lot but it is always good to make contact and keep in touch with them.
We did some final grocery shopping on Monday morning and then it was on the road home to Cunnamulla arriving back about 6pm. The shops in Cunnamulla certainly provide all the basic items but it is nice to visit the big stores to get those little extras that you miss. It was back out to the camp today after getting more fuel and some groceries for a couple of other miners.
I will start on the business part next post showing where I am up to with the mining.
Images show the vege- garden being created and the family in Toowoomba.
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